An American Stage commissioned work by Jerry Montoya
Directed by Jerry Montoya and Kristin Clippard
December 2020
Enjoy the world premiere performance of Nosotros La Gente, presented by American Stage in St. Petersburg, Florida, as part of your Aurora Theatre Company membership. Aurora members can access Nosotros La Gente via our member portal.
As the country is on the verge of a World War, a pair of brothers toil planting date palms in the fertile soil of the California desert. Salvador dreams of owning land of his own, while Santiago dreams of seeing the world beyond the valley. When Santiago decides to enlist, Salvador vows to care for his brother’s love, Sophie. Heartbroken and alone, the two must find a way to care for the land, for themselves and for each other. This is a story of a family that has tilled the fields of this country and fought its wars. It’s a story of faith, family, hope and love. This is a story of America.